Thursday 17 January 2013

Question & Answer 5 Year Journal

I bought this journal after reading about it on another blog. I thought it was a brilliant way to record whats happening in your life over a 5 year period. I am RUBBISH at keeping a diary, I attempt to start a new one every year as a new years resolutions but by January the 5th I forget about it or just can't be bothered. This journal, however, asks you specific questions each day and you answer the question in a couple of sentences. Each year you start again underneath the previous entry and write a new one for the new year. Its a brilliant way to see how specific aspects of your life have changed over the duration of the journal. I showed my flat mates at uni and they've all bought ones to! I highly recommend it and I genuinely do think I will stick to writing in it everyday as it only takes a few minutes.
The Journal is £10.28 at the moment from Amazon

There is a removable sticker on the back with instructions of how to use!

Today's question 'What's the oldest thing you wearing today?'

The outside of the pages are gold which I thought looked pretty cool.

It's also quite a handy size (about A5) and can easily be carried in your bag.
Thanks for reading! =) and sorry the pictures are of such bad quality!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

10 Jackets/Coats I Want

What to expect from this blog...

Now that my exams are over I can start blogging more often and put more thought into what I want this blog to develop into.

Todays I've been sorting out all my make up as my make up bags are overflowing. I'm very conscious of the fact I just stick to the same old make up every day and so I'm going to try out new looks in the weeks to come and see how it turns out.

                                                                      After Sorting!
My favourite make up and fragrance at the moment.

Friday 4 January 2013

Same Old Plan ...New Year New Start

So although it's 4 days after the new year, I've decided to wait till now to start the new me (I had lots of assignments in this week that I left to late)

So to start of with, these are my New Years Resolutions;

1) Get fitter
2) Eat healthier
3) Work harder
4) Be more organised
5) Strive to achieve new things
6) Take new risks!

They are the usual general resolutions most girls put down and succeed to fail. Hopefully this year will be different! Last year I did really well, I'd got to febuary and had lost a stone and was a size 8 which I was over the moon about but then I got stressed with the amount of uni work to be done and put it all back on with a chocolate binge or 2 (or 12).

However, this year I've taken the time to read through different articles on how to stick to my goals and I'm determined to succeed! I've even put all my christmas chocolate in a cardboard box and put it in the garage for a while to try and stop tempation.

With regards to eating healthy and doing exercise, I've eaten quite healthy for the past couple of days and have bought in a lot of healthy snacky foods to stop me snacking on unhealthy things. I also went on the treadmill last night however after 5 minues I had what I think is an ashma attack so I had to stop. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow as I think I most likely have exercise induced ashma and so need an inhaler!

I've already started with the work harder and be more organised goals by putting all my uni work in folders and knucking down with my assignments so it shouldn't be too hard to keep to a routine with that! Number 5 and 6 on my goals list will take time to kick in as I don't have a lot of time in the next couple of weeks to sort anything new out. I did, however, start these two goals a while back and I've managed to get a place on my universities charity to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in July which will be amazing! I also got a place on my universities over seas placement and will be going to Las Vegas in April for a month to teach at a school! SO EXCITED! So I guess, techniquely I've started those two.

I'll blog again tomorrow as I'm off to the hairdressers to get a whole new hair style now!

Wish me luck

Pippa xx